venue styling

A Marriage Law Shake-Up
As of July 2018, according to a survey run by Bridebook, the average cost of a UK wedding is an eye-watering £30, 355. Not an insignificant sum for anyone. But moves are afoot to give the law on where you can be legally wed a long-overdue shake-up. A stir that will make it possible to cut the price of getting married.

Breaking with Wedding Tradition
Fabulous Functions Uk have written a blog about how the modern wedding couple have changed traditions for something more contemporary.
Your wedding your way!

7 Benefits of Silk Flowers
Silk flowers have gained a new lease of life so whether it’s a gerbera in a jam jar freshening up the kitchen windowsill or a table centrepiece for an elegant dinner party, flowers often form an integral part of decorating. And this is never truer than for a wedding.

A Hindu and British Fusion Wedding
In a recent blog about planning a multi-cultural wedding, we highlightd many of the areas to consider when deciding which parts of your cultures to include in the ceremony.

Planning A Multi-Cultural Wedding
We live in a diverse and ever-blending society. A few decades ago, multi cultural weddings were almost unheard of. Not so in the 2000s. If you haven’t already attended a cross-culture wedding you’ll be certain to know someone that has.

5 top tips for wedding speech nerves
So, it’s been months, perhaps even years in the planning. You’ve booked the venue and the dress and the suit are hanging in their respective wardrobes in readiness. You’ve chosen your menu and ordered your cake. The invitations are out – you have only to wait for the RSVPs to come back. Time now to think about the speeches.

Having a Child Free Wedding
Are you struggling with the dilemma of whether or not to invite children to your wedding? It’s your wedding. So yes. If you want it to be child free wedding then that’s your prerogative. But be aware that in taking such a step you’re disturbing a nest chock full of vipers.

Keeping Junior Wedding Guests Happy
Keeping Junior Wedding Guests Happy
Children as wedding guests is a hot topic. I have heard parents say they will decline a wedding invitation if their children are not invited. Others have said they are glad to have an adult only celebration. So at the end of the day it’s down to the personal preferences of the couple. And whether they have their own children or not.

Top Wedding Cake Display Tips
Wedding cakes don’t come cheap. In fact, it’s the most money you’re ever likely to spend on a cake in your life. Yet so often the wedding cake is not placed and displayed in the venue in a way that gives guests the opportunity to admire it and compliment it. All too often this costly confection is stuck in a dark corner as if it’s something the bride and groom are ashamed of or it’s an afterthought. And what a shame that is, when you’ve planned and re-planned every other detail to an inch of its life. So what should you consider when planning where and how to display your wedding cake to give it the attention it deserves?