Wedding traditions

Couple dancing their first dance Blog from Fabulous Functions UK

The Wedding First Dance Song

You will do many things together for the first time as a married couple. And your first dance together after you’ve tied the knot is one of then.

Do you stress over choosing the song, not sure what you both like? Is it appropriate? Will everyone like it?

Wedding Speech Running Order- Fabulous Functions UK

A Guide to Your Wedding Speech Running Order

In our blog, Five alternatives to Champagne for the wedding toasts, we had a rummage through the off-licence shelves to bring you some alternatives to Champagne for making a toast along with the wedding speech.

The logical next step then is to have a look at the correct running order of the wedding speeches themselves.

Something Old and Something New

Something Old and Something New

All the occasions we celebrate are riven with traditions. Easter has the eggs and the bunny, Christmas has Father Christmas/ Santa Claus – and more besides - depending on the nation. And, of course, every family puts their own spin on these regular calendar markers. And weddings are no exception.

5 Fab Benefits of Weekday Weddings

It’s been the tradition for as far back as anyone knows, for weddings to take place on a Saturday. And there are historical reasons for that. This article from The Atlantic, on the topic of weekday weddings, quotes a rather interesting observation from Vicki Howard, a history lecturer at the University of Essex and author of Brides, Inc, about the wedding industry.

Now you’ve got that sparkler on the 3rd finger of your left hand you’ll want to keep it in tip-top condition. So, here’s some top tips for your ring care: Fabulous Functions UK

Caring for Your Engagement Ring

You’re engaged! Congratulations. Your significant other has popped the question. He – or she – has proposed. You’ve said yes and you’re now sporting a gorgeous ring. One that you’ll want to show off to all the world – and why not? We’re in a digital world, so that doyenne of the jewellery world, Beaverbrooks, has a useful article about how to take the perfect engagement ring selfie.

Bride having veil pinned to her hair - wedding traditions from around the world

Wedding Traditions Around the World

In this blog we take a whirl wind look at wedding traditions around the world.  Everyone in Britain knows the Old English rhyme about something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. It serves to instruct brides on the good luck charms she should incorporate into her bridal attire. Kate Middleton was lucky enough to borrow a tiara, I had a necklace, my best friend had a garter from her mother in law.

certificate of marriage - women's rights in marriage

Women’s Rights in Marriage

In a recent blog, Changing Times in the Wedding World, we examined some areas of the matrimonial landscape – where changes are happening now or they’re predicted to happen. For instance many brides, recognising what an outmoded bastion of sexism and misogyny the practice of tossing the bouquet is, are opting to do it a different way.

Changing Times in the Wedding World - Flower man at a wedding - breaking with wedding tradition

Changing Times in the Wedding World

At the time of writing, marriage certificate documentation records only the names and occupations of the fathers of the newly-wed pair. Like they did it all on their own? Quite the opposite is true as we all know. As this 2018 article from Good Housekeeping points out, this out-dated protocol is a hangover from times past that viewed women’s occupations as non-existent or of no consequence. There has though been campaigning in Parliament to change this lamentable situation. About time too we say. This is the 21st century after all!